Working with music in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities        

 accredited continuous formation by Romanian Collegium of Psychologists (20 de ore, 20 de credite)

 aviz RF- II- BH- 211/12.08.2019 anexa din 31.10.

and reccomended by Music as Therapy International






This training

-offers the opportunity to learn a method of recovery for people with disabilities using accessible instruments to them
- is an intervention based on communication through music, facilitating the communication and interaction of these people
- is a client-centered method (C. Rogers, 1951), allows self-expression and personal development
respecting the client's pace of development
- by using Orff-type instruments, by singing with the voice, creating sounds through musical improvisation,
the leader emotionally connects with the client (D. Stern, 1985)
facilitates the formation of a secure attachment relationship (Bowbly, 1951, 1988)
through various strategies and techniques that are personally presented and practiced during training


 Working through music allows:

- stimulation of sensory integration
- the development of social skills, interaction patterns
- language stimulation
- stimulating the channeled expression of emotions
- the transfer of skills to other fields
By working therapeutically through music the client forms a sense of belonging to the group,
a sense of becoming a creative agent contributing to the development of self-confidence, to increasing the quality of life.

Training includes case studies, experiential games, theoretical references, role plays








Previous trainings




Baia Mare (Nagybánya) - February, 2020    


Oradea (Nagyvárad) -September, 2020    

Cluj Napoca (Kolozsvár) -May, 2019

Miercurea Ciuc (Csíkszereda) -May, 2019

Distance Learning Program

”Music Therapy for Children with Disabilities”

-in collaboration with Music as Therapy International 


accredited with 50  credits 

by Romanian Collegium of Psychologists

reference number: RF-II-BH-211/21.05/2022